How to Download your images

Photo Stoke Image download instructions


Step 1

Click on the link within your text or email.

The Link- Click here to download your images

This will direct you to the download section of our website.

You can alternatively visit our website  and scroll to the bottom of the page where there is a box labelled access code.

Step 2

Input your unique access code from the email or text in the access box and click GO.

This will then display your images.

If this is done on a mobile device clicking on any of the images starts a slideshow, on a PC or laptop the slideshow can be started by clicking on the slideshow button in the bottom right corner.

Step 3

Your images will be available to view and download for 6 months following the shoot after which time they are removed from the site.

Be sure to download and save them.

To do this click on the BULK DOWNLOAD button in the bottom right corner.

Step 4

Now click on the DOWNLOAD ALL FILES button.



Step 5

From here select your download method.

We suggest download one ZIP file over HTTP.

Now click the NEXT button.



Step 6

Click the link to download your images.



Step 7

On a PC or laptop by clicking on any of your images there is a place order button under the picture.

Clicking on this will bring up a price list of additional products available from key rings and mugs to wall art.

On a mobile device this is available to view simply by clicking on the image.